Round up...
Is TSA's terrorism Watch List being abused to target whistleblowers? --Narco Sphere
Other Economies are Possible! --Dollars & Sense
"...McLaughlin was shocked. He produced credentials to prove that there could be no way he was on a government Watch List. But that still wasn’t good enough. ... To this day, McLaughlin has not been able to clear up the matter, despite requesting clarification through TSA.Bush Declares Eco-Whistleblower Law Void for EPA Employees --Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)
...McLaughlin is a law enforcement officer. And he is not just any cop. He is employed as a narcotic agent assigned to the “Intelligence Unit” of the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office....TSA’s response to McLaughlin’s FOIA:
...Both attorneys represent McLaughlin in still pending litigation that dates back to the mid-1990s. That litigation stems from a case McLaughlin and his partner, Charles Micewski, worked against a ring of Dominican narco-traffickers.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) can neither confirm or deny whether an individual is on a Federal Watch List, because this information is derived from classified and sensitive law enforcement and intelligence information. ...From a Feb. 13, 2003, Associate Press story:
(AP) (PHILADELPHIA) A jury has sided with two narcotics agents who claimed their boss — the Pennsylvania attorney general — retaliated against them because they uncovered a drug-trafficking ring that diverted profits to a CIA-backed Dominican presidential candidate. ...
Other Economies are Possible! --Dollars & Sense
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