Monday, September 04, 2006

Round up...

Is TSA's terrorism Watch List being abused to target whistleblowers? --Narco Sphere
"...McLaughlin was shocked. He produced credentials to prove that there could be no way he was on a government Watch List. But that still wasn’t good enough. ... To this day, McLaughlin has not been able to clear up the matter, despite requesting clarification through TSA.

...McLaughlin is a law enforcement officer. And he is not just any cop. He is employed as a narcotic agent assigned to the “Intelligence Unit” of the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office.

...TSA’s response to McLaughlin’s FOIA:

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) can neither confirm or deny whether an individual is on a Federal Watch List, because this information is derived from classified and sensitive law enforcement and intelligence information. ...

...Both attorneys represent McLaughlin in still pending litigation that dates back to the mid-1990s. That litigation stems from a case McLaughlin and his partner, Charles Micewski, worked against a ring of Dominican narco-traffickers.

From a Feb. 13, 2003, Associate Press story:

(AP) (PHILADELPHIA) A jury has sided with two narcotics agents who claimed their boss — the Pennsylvania attorney general — retaliated against them because they uncovered a drug-trafficking ring that diverted profits to a CIA-backed Dominican presidential candidate. ...
Bush Declares Eco-Whistleblower Law Void for EPA Employees --Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)

Other Economies are Possible! --Dollars & Sense


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